Quality product means … getting quality results!
If you buy quality product that is manufactured according to pharmaceutical methods you are assured of getting the same strength and quality product every time. This is one of the reasons people are under the impression that our products are stronger than stipulated, they're not. It's just that you get exactly what we say you get dose for dose.
Another thing is that every one of our products comes with a product insert, batch number and expiry date which allows us full traceability of every product and every excipient therein. This means that you end up with a product you actually know how and when to use. Why would you take a chance on less?

At EU Pharmaceuticals we believe in providing you with as much information on our products as possible. In this regard we have tabulated the active half life's of all our products.
Use this table to assist in working out your dosages.

A successful PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) aims to control the balance of oestrogen and testosterone. While on a cycle, synthetic testosterone is supplemented and the bodies natural production cesses. The reason for this is the body will always attempt to keep it hormones in balance so when it identifies extremely high levels of testosterone, not only does it stop production thereof, it also increase production of oestrogen. It does this by releasing higher levels of the aromatase enzyme which converts some of the testosterone to oestrogen. When the gear is stopped, the synthetic testosterone levels drop relatively fast in comparison the oestrogen levels and therefore it’s important to understand what product does what, when it should be taken and how much. The following aims clarify this point is plain, simple english.