Ostarine is a SARM that is primarily used in testosterone replacement therapy. It is an excellent SARM for use in either bulking or cutting cycles. Diet and exercise play a key role as to the outcome of the Osterine cycle.
Ostarine is a type of SARM that not only allows the athlete to retain lean body mass but also increase it.
The benefits of Ostarine include:
- lean mass gains
- improved strength
- endurance
- improved joint health
- anabolic at low dosages
What to Expect
What to expect depends largely on the type of cycle you use Ostarine in. It can be used in Bulking, cutting and recomping cycles.
Bulking Cycle
Please note that at high dosages of 36mg and above testosterone suppression is observed. We recommend 2 tablets (25mg) daily.
Consequently as there are fewer side effects and Osterine can be run longer at higher dosages however, a PCT may be required on extended high dose cycles.
Recomping Cycle
Ostarine is excellent at portioning nutrients into the use of building and sustaining muscle. As a result, this particular SARM will provide excellent results when used in a specially created diet.
- Dosage is 1 – 2 tablets per day for 4 – 6 weeks.
Cutting Cycle
Ostarine is great when used on a cutting cycle at lower dosages of 1 – 2 tablets per day with a reduced calorie diet. For best results stack with Cardarine.
Side Affects
There are no specific recorded side effects of Ostarine use, other than a testosterone lowering or shut down with higher dosage and extended cycles.
- Bulking: Male athletes 2 – 3 tablets per day.
- Female ½ – 1 tablet per day
- Cycle length 4 – 6 weeks.
Stack with
- Cardarine and Nutrobal
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