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EU Pharmaceuticals Provides a Proprietary Range of Anabolic Steroids and Peptides.

  • Nutrobal (Mk-677) Growth Hormone

Nutrobal (Mk-677) is classed as a growth hormone secretagogue. A secretagogue is the term for a substance that chemically signals the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone.
As a result Nutrobal is compared to peptides like GHRP-6, HGH or Ipamorelin, the primary difference being is Nutrobal is taken orally and not injection. Not only is it easy to take, it does not have the side effects associated with GHRP-6.
Nutrobal GHS (Growth Hormone Secretagogue) was developed to combat conditions such as muscle wasting, obesity and osteoporosis. It was also targeted towards treatment of elderly hip fracture patients so there are a myriad of studies done on its safety.

What to Expect

While this is not a miracle compound studies have shown that Nutrobal increases lean muscle mass and improves bone mineral density. This is coupled with the prevention of visceral fat build-up.
Studies have shown that even those who were in calorie deficit or had poor diet, still lost fat and added lean muscle mass.
In short, it is not hard to obtain an improvement of lean mass and a reduction of body fat. However for best results, diet and exercise plan are key

Nutrobal has been shown to cause a rise in IGF-1 and growth hormone therefore, athletes can benefit in several ways from Nutrobal:

  1. Fat loss
  2. Muscle gain
  3. Faster healing from injuries
  4. Faster recovery between workouts
  5. Bone strengthening

The increased growth hormone and IGF-1 levels also have the added benefit of aiding in such things as endurance, mood, sleep, and general health. Nutrobal gives the athletes most the benefits of growth hormone and IGF-1 increase without the high financial cost and side effects of the HGH.

Side Affects

There are few adverse side effects shown with the use of Nutrobal, and certainly less than those associated with the use of HGH or IGF-1.
However one of the side effects noted is an increase in craving certain types of foods, such as carbs, it has certain side effects, and the first obvious one that the user will notice is an increase in appetite, which can manifest itself in certain cravings for such foods as red meat or carbs. This however can be beneficial for those who battle to gain mass.

Water retention is a side effect that has also been reported with Nutrobal use. This side effect has however also been noted when using HGH injections. This water retention is usually only apparent in first few weeks of the cycle and can be combatted with diuretic if so desired.

Studies have shown that Nutrobal actually keeps prolactin and cortisol inhibited even while increasing HGH and IGF-1, which is a major advantage to the user.


We always err on the side of caution when recommending dosages. Nutrabol can be dosed once per 24 hours preferably before bedtime as this is when your body naturally excretes HGH. The idea is to enhance the quality and quantity if this excretion. Dosages are as follows:

  • Male athletes 2 tablets
  • Female athletes ½ - 1 tablet
  • Cycle is 6 weeks with 2 week off.

Stack with

Depending on the athlete’s needs, Nutrobal can be stacked in several ways to get tremendous benefits:

  1. Endurance: Stack it with 2 Tablets 25 milligrams (mg) a day of Cardarine for a lethal endurance stack.
  2. Fat loss: Nutrobal is so good at preventing fat gain, stack it with Fat Burner and Cardarine to get a lethal fat burning triple stack.
  3. Mass gain: Nutrobal evens the playing field when stacked with Anabolicum and anabolic steroids. For improved results, with standard AAS
  4. Overall health: Nutrobal can be used in lower dosages to improve
    1. Mood
    2. Sleep
    3. Cholesterol levels
    4. Injury healing
    5. immune system boosting

Stack it with Ostarine for those who have struggled to train due to injury, or who are in between cycles and are looking to improve their overall health without the use of anabolic steroids.

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Nutrobal (Mk-677) Growth Hormone

  • Brand: EUSARMS
  • Product Code: MK677
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $60.00

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