About Us
EU Pharmaceuticals is a micro lab which is set up in various parts of the world. The raw materials are supplied by a main line pharmaceutical company via confidential channels. This company owns the equipment, technology and expertise required to complete the primary manufacture of specialty peptides. This raw material is then supplied to our lab which in turn employs pharmaceutical processes to complete the manufacture and packaging of various products. Our main focus is to supply safe, high grade pharmaceutical, human grade products which are at value for money prices.
One of the problems we face in this industry is the clamping down by the authorities to stop this form of trade. What has now happened is that the door has been opened for the small operator to fill the void of supply. The result is that while supply is still available, the quality is questionable. I'm sure that this was not the goal of the authorities but one needs to understand that, as adults, we decide what we what to use and how to use it. The point is, we want to provide you with the best quality products, guarantee the delivery and promote the safe and sensible use thereof.
EU Pharmaceuticals is owned and run by a qualified pharmacist who, like you, is an athlete. We therefore understand and respect the dedication required to achieve goals of above, what is generally, natural levels. Not everyone has the natural ability to build a machine of a body, and why should we be denied to opportunity to try! We hear you!
Featured Products
Test Cypionate 250
Each 10ml vial of Testosterone Cypionate contains 250mg/ml Testosterone Cyprionate Ingredients per ..
Oxandrolone 20 ( Anavar ® )
Each box of Oxandralone ( Anavar) 20, contains 56 tablets with a strength of 20mg of anavar per tabl..
HGH is generally used to aid with recovery and it is recommended for use with EVERY cycle. While it ..
Ostarine (MK-2866)
Ostarine is a SARM that is primarily used in testosterone replacement therapy. It is an excell..